NaNoWriMo ’22 Trackers!


If you follow me on Twitter then you know that I’ve been shouting about NaNoWriMo from the rooftops since around August and you’re probably sick of me by now. But tough. I’m back to talk about NaNoWriMo some more.

Every year I make and share a bullet journal (or bujo) layout and share it on social media for you guys to see, and also copy/take inspiration from it if you like!

They usually look a little like this:

I have one page for the suggested daily word count (1667 words a day) across the month, with a space to write my actual word count next to it, this helps me to see whether i’m on track, ahead, or as is usually the case when you hit the week 2 blues, a little behind.

Next I usually have some kind or tracker. Last year I did a daily one where I coloured each section of the cactus a different colour to represent how many words I wrote on that particular day, which is good if you’re competitive and want to see more of the higher number’s colour. And on previous years, I’ve drawn a box or a shape with each 1k goal in it (plus an extra for the first 1667!) and then you get to highlight it or colour it in each time you hit a goal. I’ll also be doing a blog on reward systems which’ll tie into this bit so keep an eye out for that!

Not pictured is a third page where I usually have a sprint log! It’s pretty simple, with the date, the type of sprint (15 min, 20 min, 1k30 or longer) and the amount of words I wrote during that sprint! Again – there may be a future blog on the effectiveness of sprints (for me, at least) during NaNo!

Here are some of my past NaNo Bujo layouts if you’d like a look:

This year, however, I haven’t made my bujo layout yet because i’ve been busy creating something else.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with Bees and Plants, so I’ve designed some printable NaNo layouts for you guys to use!

So whether you’re a busy bee, who likes to plan out everything in advance and is always a hive of activity, or a perky plant who likes to wait and see how things grow, hopefully you’ll see something here you like.

Included in each set are three sheets:
Daily Word Goal – tells you the total word goal for each day, NaNoWriMo recommends 1667 words a day to reach 50,000 by the end of the month. You don’t have to stick to this but a lot of people find it helpful.
Sprint Tracker – use this to keep track of any sprints you take part in, you can note down the date, the length of the sprint and how many words you managed to write during that sprint. This is also nifty for helping you spot trends – maybe you write better in the morning or the evening and you can direct your focus!
Progress Tracker – notes down every 1000 word milestone between the beginning and your 50k goal. As you reach each goal you can colour them in, tick it off, or scratch it out. Whatever you prefer! There are even a few empty slots in case you surpass 50k!


Click here for the Bee Set


Click here for the plant set

These sets are free for you guys to download and use, but if you’d like to leave me a tip I do have a ko-fi! Sharing and liking are also very much appreciated!

If you do use these, please tag me I’d love to see them in action!

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