Soul Echo: Discovery review

Thanks for the kind words, Billy!

welcome to

As part of an ongoing experiment to combat overpopulation, a group of newborns is given a special implant. This implant controls their sex drive and will only allow sexual reproduction with its partner implant. The children are situated around the UK, and at the right age are told about the experiment they’re all part of. Join them on a journey of discovery. Are they still who they thought they were? Can they still fall in love if their partners have been pre-determined? One by one they come across a site called Soul Echo. As they get to know the others like them online, will they decide to make a pilgrimage to find their own Soul Echo?

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? This blurb explains what you are getting into but not what the characters will get into. That is for you to experience. You would think we jump right…

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