October Update

I’m so awful at keeping up with a blog. Really awful. It’s probably a bit ironic, a writer who can’t write a blog? Urgh.

Anyway, I’m here. Back at it again! What’s been going on, you might ask? Well, mainly work. My full time job takes up so much of my time it’s unreal, I work 45+ hours a week there, and then try to cram in my writing when I can. Lunch times, after work, weekends and my day off.

Tuesdays are generally reserved for writing and catching up with any household stuff the husband and I didn’t get round to doing at the weekend. I also tend to binge watch various shows.

I would LOVE to be able to give up working full time and pursue writing full time, but I know that at the moment it’s just not feasible. I haven’t released any books, and until I’m gaining writing income equivalent to what I get from my full time job I know it’s just not going to happen.

I found out about Patreon a while ago, and I’ve been umming and ahhing about whether to go ahead and make one or not. But I’ve looked into it, and I’ve decided to go for it. It seems like a great way for creators; whether they’re artists, crafters, writers, or musicians to be paid for the things they create. And not just in one off purchases when people buy items. This is a subscription service, so people who are fans of what you do can support you on a month by month basis. There are also different reward tiers for the Patrons so they get something out of it too.

Bottom line: Creators get paid to spend more time doing what they love, and the Patrons get more out of their favourite creators. You can check out my Patreon page here

Become a Patron!


2 thoughts on “October Update

  1. Yeah… it’s very ironic to a writer – – a writer who ain’t write. Sometimes, even i happen to know myself, it’s very hard to catch up with time when things ain’t go the way we ever expected it to be, cos may be, we – – the writer – – never do patch with our mind – – the mind that nestles us to the deception of life, undisguised. And in b/w that, it’s okay to do something “to-do” that, the least, brings something of valuable outta nothing. Keep blogging, Lisa. I would be looking forward to reading your latest blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

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