My Preptober Goals

As Preptober comes to a close, I need to ask; are you ready?

I also need to apologise. Before the month started, I had every intention of posting weekly blogs about Preptober but work has been crazy busy and I was sick in the middle of October as well. Yay. But at least I got it out of the way before NaNo starts? Silver linings, right?


Unless you’re a pantser who’s planning on opening a blank document come November 1st and just pouring their soul into it, you should ideally have done some planning. Whether this is coming up with character sheets, worldbuilding or outlining your entire plot. There is no right or wrong answer here, just prep as much as you need!

I am very much in the plotter category and if left to my own devices I could plan out every minute detail of the story before I write it. This is why I don’t let myself start planning in August! Although that is when I start thinking about NaNo…

There are 5 days left of Preptober so there is still time go get some done!

My goals for the final few days are:

  1. Finish my outline for Reach
  2. Make some NaNoWriMo graphics
  3. Create some more blog content
  4. Organise some write-ins, sprints and events
  5. Finish putting together my reward system!

What about you?

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